“Praise and glory to you, O loving Jesus Christ,
for the most sacred wound in your side and for
your infinite mercy which you have made known
to us in the opening of your breast to the soldier
Longinus, and so to us all.”
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saint Teresa of Avila
Turning our thoughts from Saint Clare for a moment, I'd like to point out something that St. Teresa of Avila has said to help keep us focused this Lent.
“ If we attain to the perfect possession of this true love of God, it brings all blessings with it. But so niggardly and so slow are we in giving ourselves wholly to God that we do not prepare ourselves as we should to receive that precious thing which it is His Majesty's will that we should enjoy only at a great price.” (Life, chapter 11, paragraph 1)
St Teresa gives us some poignant words to ponder.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Speaking of Saints...
I recently returned from Italy as most of you know. I had attended the International Congress for women hosted by the Holy See. I was invited by the Pontifical Council for the Laity to participate in the history-making event. It was an incredible experience - one I will be talking about and writing about for some time. In addition to the honor of attending the International Congress, it was truly amazing to spend time at St. Peter's and visit all of the altars and shrines as well as be able to see Pope Benedict XVI twice!
What I'd like to share with you now though, is my trip to Assisi after I attended the congress. I took two of my daughters with me and we went off on a two hour train ride heading for Assisi. We got a little bit lost when we arrived on that brisk and windy day. We eventually did get our bearings straight and then found our way to St. Clare of Assisi's tomb! I had been really looking forward to visiting and then there we were! We knelt down by her tomb and prayed and took in all of the graces that were awaiting us.

Here's what it really looks like with all of the iron grids and glass protecting Saint Clare's body, but my daughter turned off the flash on her camera and put her camera through the iron bars to get the above photo.

This is with holding the camera through one set of the metal grids with the flash off.
What I'd like to share with you now though, is my trip to Assisi after I attended the congress. I took two of my daughters with me and we went off on a two hour train ride heading for Assisi. We got a little bit lost when we arrived on that brisk and windy day. We eventually did get our bearings straight and then found our way to St. Clare of Assisi's tomb! I had been really looking forward to visiting and then there we were! We knelt down by her tomb and prayed and took in all of the graces that were awaiting us.

Here's what it really looks like with all of the iron grids and glass protecting Saint Clare's body, but my daughter turned off the flash on her camera and put her camera through the iron bars to get the above photo.

This is with holding the camera through one set of the metal grids with the flash off.
I love this stab at the Saint's quiz to win the book
This just came in from someone:
"I'll give the quiz a shot, in case I'm right!
1) Who is the Saint who was drawn to a life of holiness because of dead bodies?
Hmmm ... no idea!
2) Who is a Saint whose birth place is unknown?
Not sure about this one either ...
3) Who is the Saint who was scheduled for an amputation and through prayer and a vision from Jesus was healed and no longer required the operation?
I'd never heard this story!
Clearly I need to buy your book! :)"
At least she "tried"!!
"I'll give the quiz a shot, in case I'm right!
1) Who is the Saint who was drawn to a life of holiness because of dead bodies?
Hmmm ... no idea!
2) Who is a Saint whose birth place is unknown?
Not sure about this one either ...
3) Who is the Saint who was scheduled for an amputation and through prayer and a vision from Jesus was healed and no longer required the operation?
I'd never heard this story!
Clearly I need to buy your book! :)"
At least she "tried"!!
Fun contest to win a copy of my book!
To win one of the first copies of my upcoming book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book published by the Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company and scheduled for release in March, you must answer these three questions correctly. The first person who answers all three questions correctly will win a signed copy of this book!
1) Who is the Saint who was drawn to a life of holiness because of dead bodies?
2) Who is a Saint whose birth place is unknown?
3) Who is the Saint who was scheduled for an amputation and through prayer and a vision from Jesus was healed and no longer required the operation?
Send your answers in an email to me at DMCooperOboyle(at)aol(dot)com with the words, "Saint quiz" in the subject line, please or to P. O. Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776. You may only enter this contest one time. Don't be shy, enter the contest! Just try. :)
I will announce the winner on March 15th, feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary!
Good luck!
1) Who is the Saint who was drawn to a life of holiness because of dead bodies?
2) Who is a Saint whose birth place is unknown?
3) Who is the Saint who was scheduled for an amputation and through prayer and a vision from Jesus was healed and no longer required the operation?
Send your answers in an email to me at DMCooperOboyle(at)aol(dot)com with the words, "Saint quiz" in the subject line, please or to P. O. Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776. You may only enter this contest one time. Don't be shy, enter the contest! Just try. :)
I will announce the winner on March 15th, feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary!
Good luck!
Review from Lisa Hendey at Catholic Mom.Com
Catholic Saints Prayer Book
Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company
By Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Reviewed by Lisa M. Hendey
In the introduction to her latest work, Catholic Saints Prayer Book, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle offers readers a concise yet inspiring bit of motivation for cultivating relationships with the saints.
“Ultimately, we should see the saints as models of sanctity for us to imitate as well as tremendous intercessors, helping us when we invoke them. We should indeed seek out the saints who will surely help lead us to God, assisting us all along the way."
Catholic Saints Prayer Book arms readers with the tools necessary to come to know these holy men and women in order to emulate the lives they led. Additionally, Cooper O’Boyle’s lovingly formed words offer readers prompting prayers to build intercessory relationships with people who struggled just as we do along life’s path toward a relationship with a loving heavenly Father. Donna Marie’s book is just the right blend of biography and heart – readers will find themselves edified about the lives of the thirty two saints covered and inspired to turn to these holy ones for intercessory aid and consolation.
From spiritual “favorites” such as St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Joseph to lesser known or newer saints such as St. Marguerite Bourgeoys or St. Padre Pio, each chapter offers the details of lives well lived, stirring quotations, and patronage and feast day information. Cooper O’Boyle’s personally crafted prayers set this apart from other books on the Saints lives I have read in the past – Donna-Marie’s clear faith and beautiful soul shine through in each prayer and will encourage you to strive for sainthood along your own journey to heaven.
Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company
By Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Reviewed by Lisa M. Hendey
In the introduction to her latest work, Catholic Saints Prayer Book, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle offers readers a concise yet inspiring bit of motivation for cultivating relationships with the saints.
“Ultimately, we should see the saints as models of sanctity for us to imitate as well as tremendous intercessors, helping us when we invoke them. We should indeed seek out the saints who will surely help lead us to God, assisting us all along the way."
Catholic Saints Prayer Book arms readers with the tools necessary to come to know these holy men and women in order to emulate the lives they led. Additionally, Cooper O’Boyle’s lovingly formed words offer readers prompting prayers to build intercessory relationships with people who struggled just as we do along life’s path toward a relationship with a loving heavenly Father. Donna Marie’s book is just the right blend of biography and heart – readers will find themselves edified about the lives of the thirty two saints covered and inspired to turn to these holy ones for intercessory aid and consolation.
From spiritual “favorites” such as St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Joseph to lesser known or newer saints such as St. Marguerite Bourgeoys or St. Padre Pio, each chapter offers the details of lives well lived, stirring quotations, and patronage and feast day information. Cooper O’Boyle’s personally crafted prayers set this apart from other books on the Saints lives I have read in the past – Donna-Marie’s clear faith and beautiful soul shine through in each prayer and will encourage you to strive for sainthood along your own journey to heaven.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Launching a new blog and Catholic Saints Prayer Book coming soon!

On this third Sunday of Lent, I am launching a new blog, "Moments of Inspiration With Your Favorite Saints." The title is very similar to the subtitle of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book: Moments of Inspiration From Your Favorite Saints. I hope that this blog space will be a place to visit to be inspired WITH the Saints. The Saints offer us timeless wisdom and inspiration and are our intercessors in Heaven. It is my hope as well, that we will be reminded here that we all have a call to holiness - a call to become a Saint! Mother Teresa, whom I had the great privilege of knowing constantly professed that "Holiness is not a luxury of a few, but a duty for us all."
My new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book will be released in March and I am busy getting ready for its launch. Some book signing and speaking events have been set up and you can learn more about them by visiting here.
If you are interested in reviewing my book, please contact me at DMCooperOBoyle(at)aol(dot)com. If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy of this book, you may visit my author's store here.
Additionally, I am running a contest to win this book which you can find out about by visiting my Embracing Motherhood blog here.
Below are two reviews just in...
Catholic Saints Prayer Book
by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Our Sunday Visitor, 80 pages
The Church’s hagiography has inspired whole libraries of books, the best of which paint a distinctive portrait of one or more of our beloved spiritual mothers and fathers. We love to hear and tell these stories over and over, for these stories provide our only real connection in this life with our spiritual forebears, our only opportunity to know them as we would like.
The Catholic Saints Prayer Book reminds us of another important reason to ruminate on the lives of the saints. This reason is perhaps best summed up in the words of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the spiritual mother of the author of this charming little book: “The Church of God needs saints today. This imposes a great responsibility on us. We must become holy not because we want to feel holy, but because Christ must be able to live His life fully in us” (p.10).
Each of the thirty-two saints contained in this book remind us that the pathway to holiness is not easily traversed. It is a way of suffering. Of grief. Of struggle against our basest impulses. In the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, “There is no better wood to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross.”
Above all, it is a way of prayer. And for this, the Catholic Saints Prayer Book provides a simple yet eloquent resource for those who want to grow closer to our heavenly family. Each chapter includes a list of patronages, brief biography, and closing prayer to lead you gently yet deeply into that “blessed communion, fellowship divine.” Delicate illustrations are scattered throughout, making this a wonderful gift for birthdays, Mother’s Day … or simply for your own prayer corner.
Heidi Hess Saxton
Editor, “Canticle” Magazine
Author, Behold Your Mother: Mary Stories and Reflections from a Catholic Convert
In a time of profound confusion and chaos, the books of Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle provide meaning, inspiration and direction for all those who are seeking the truth in these troubled times. The Second Vatican Council reminded the Church that we are all called to holiness. This book will help us attain our goal.
Fr. James Farfaglia, Pastor
St. Helena of the True Cross of Jesus Catholic Church
Corpus Christi, Texas
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