Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Catholic Saints Prayer Book" interview

Author, Mary De Turris Poust recently interviewed me about my newest book which has been JUST RELEASED!

Her interview begins here:

I recently had the opportunity to interview Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, author of the newly released Catholic Saints Prayer Book: Moments of Inspiration From Your Favorite Saints (Our Sunday Visitor). So grab a cup of coffee and sit down to enjoy a conversation with this award-winning writer.

First a little background:

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, a Catholic wife and mother of five children, is an internationally known best-selling author and award-winning journalist. Donna-Marie knew Blessed Mother Teresa for nearly a decade, during which time they both kept in correspondence and met in various locations. Blessed Teresa wrote Donna-Marie 22 letters and wrote the foreword to Donna-Marie’s book, “Prayerfully Expecting,” as well as quotes for her other books.

Donna-Marie was invited by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome to be one of 250 delegates worldwide to attend an International Women's Congress in Rome recently.

She has a regular national radio segment called, "Mom's Corner" at “Catholic Connection” with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio (EWTN). In addition to her books, Donna-Marie’s writing can be found in many Catholic magazines, newspapers, and on the Internet in her many columns, as well as on her Web site and blogs.


Donna, your newest book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book, was just released. Can you tell me about this book and how it came to be?

My book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book: Moments of Inspiration From Your Favorite Saints, is a compilation of 32 saints; complete with biographies, patronages, quotes and prayers beseeching the saints’ assistance. It’s a sturdy hard-covered book that is a great size (approx. 4 ¼ in. by 6 ¼ in.) to tuck in the briefcase, diaper bag, purse, or set on the night stand or coffee table. It’s about 80 pages long and is adorned with some beautiful art work, which enhances the text. I think this book is suitable for anyone, young and old alike. Confirmation students may find it to be helpful when they are trying to discern a saint’s name.

I approached the Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company, asking if they would like me to write a saints’ book in the size and format of my other book that was published with them, Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers. I thought that a saints’ book would be a nice addition to complement their book series. Our Sunday Visitor liked the idea and asked me to write it.

What makes this saint book different from other saint books?

You can read the interview here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Good news! I heard from Our Sunday Visitor today. My new books have arrived to them and they will be able to send my order off to me shortly!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Saints as our intercessors

I love what the Catholic Catechism says about the saints.

“The witnesses who have preceded us into the kingdom, especially those whom the Church recognizes as saints, share in the living tradition of prayer by the example of their lives, the transmission f their writings, and their prayer today. They contemplate God, they praise him and constantly care for those whom they have left on earth. When they entered in the joy of their Master, they were ‘put in charge of many things.’ Their intercession is their most exalted service to God’s plan. We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world” (CCC #2683)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. St Patrick's day!

Here's a sneak peak at a prayer in my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book.

Dear St. Patrick, you said, "I was like a stone lying in the deep mire and He that is mighty came, and in His mercy lifted me up, and verily raised me aloft and placed me on top of the wall." Please pray that our dear Lord will also raise me up and heal my stony heart. You also said, "In a single day I have prayed as many as a hundred times and in the night almost as often." Pray for me, dear St. Patrick that I may have an increased desire to pray more deeply - to lift my heart often throughout the day in prayer no matter what I am doing, so that I may fulfil God's holy will in my life. St. Patrick, pray for us and all who invoke your aid. If it is God's holy will, (here mention your request) please grant my request. Amen.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

St Joseph, once again!

Yesterday was the day that St. Joseph's feast day was celebrated rather than on March 19th when it is normally celebrated since the 19th falls during Holy Week. I had planned to post something yesterday about St.Joseph - even it was just a "Happy St. Joseph's feast day!" greeting. However, yesterday was a very busy day and I wasn't even able to post that one greeting! I hope that you all had a very happy St.Joseph's day. I know at least one person who did.

I'd like to share some wonderful news with you. A friend of mine had asked for prayers a couple of weeks ago because she was experiencing problems. Her adult son had a serious problem with a drug addiction. He was refusing to stay in rehab and had recently become suicidal. Needless to say, this poor mother was suffering terribly for love of her son and desperate for help. Her pain and anguish were deep. St. Joseph was invoked by this mother and others through a novena that ended yesterday on St. Joseph's feast day.

I just got word early this morning that this friend's "prayers were answered!" St. Joseph has come though once again! This seemingly insurmountable situation has been taken care of by this awesome Saint! If you will, please keep this family in your prayers for continued strength and grace. I personally will pray another novena to St. Joseph in thanksgiving for the answer to prayer.

Dear St. Joseph, thank you for coming to our aid once again! Thank you for interceding on our behalf. We love you!

This is a prayer I often use:


O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O thou Saint Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intercession, and obtain for me from thy divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee, and Jesus asleep in thy arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Donna-Marie has done it again! A recurring theme of Pope John Paul the Great, both in preaching and teaching is that all men & women are called to be Saints. He canonized 482 saints and beatified no less than 1,338 others! Three are mentioned in Donna-Marie’s book, “Catholic Saints Prayer Book!”

The human heart longs for heroes and heroines. Throughout human history we have built monuments, established halls of fame, instituted awards nights of past and present men and women who have been held up as worthy of imitation, only to have fallen out of favor.

Donna-Marie has opened the door of eternity to offer a short glimpse at the Church’s Hall of Fame to those who have, “run the race,” gained the prize, and proven themselves tried and true. She has chosen a wonderful array of women and men; past and present, married, single, religious, deacons, priests, bishops, young and not so, that are all worthy of our emulation.

This little treasure is a pearl of piety and insight to move both those who have just become an acquaintance with this band of heavenly hosts and those who are old friends. My hope and prayer is that this inspirational little book may lead those who prayerfully journey through its pages to be encouraged in faithful discipleship, in communion with all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.

As Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI said, “The crisis of our time is the crisis of sanctity!” May this little gem be a answer in part to that crisis! May we entrust this prayer book into the maternal heart of the greatest saint Mary, Queen of Saints.—Fr. Peter Towsley, Pastor St. Ann R. C. Church, Bridgeport, CT

Thank you, Fr. Peter for your very beautiful words!

Are your votes in?

I will bring to your attention once again that it is time to vote for your favorite Catholic blogs and you only have a couple of days to do it! There are many categories and blogs to choose from. I hope that you'll take the time to vote for some blogs that you have been enjoying.

I will repeat my recent information.

I was pleasantly very surprised to find out that two of my blogs were nominated in three categories.

If you dear reader, feel inclined to vote, go over and take a look! You will need to register (if you aren't already) which takes all of 60 seconds or so. Then the fun begins as you scroll through the categories and recognize some awesome Catholic blogs.

My Embracing Motherhood blog was nominated in two categories. 1) "Most Spiritual Catholic Blog" and 2) "Best New Catholic Blog." My Daily Donna-Marie: A Dose of Inspiration was nominated for "Best Individual Catholic Blog."

Thank you again for the nominations and to those who may feel inclined to vote for my blogs. :) But truly, I am not expecting to win anything. There are many fabulous Catholic blogs out there deserving awards. I am just happy to have been nominated. :)

God bless!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

St. Maria Goretti and St. Gianna Molla

Two more winners in our Favorite Saints contest are Karen Edmisten's daughters! The first entry is from "Betsy," age 11.

"Betsy" tells us about St. Maria Goretti:

"I really admire St. Maria Goretti because after a guy stabbed her, she still forgave him before she died. When I imagine myself in her place, I don't know if I would be able to forgive him, because he stabbed her fourteen times! But, I hope that I would be able to forgive him, if I were in her shoes. She forgave him because she wanted him to be with her in Heaven, and twenty-seven years later, he repented, and so probably went to Heaven! When I think of St. Maria Goretti, I know that I want to be more like her. "

Thank you, "Betsy" for sending me your reflection on St. Maria Goretti. I am very impressed! It's wonderful to know that you want to be more "saintly" and be more like St. Maria Goretti. I am sure that you are and will be a strong example to others when you too are forgiving. While striving to imitate St. Maria Goretti's virtues, you will also help others by your example to live a good Christian life. God bless you!

Our next reflection is from "Betsy's sister, "Anne-with-an-e," age 14:

"Anne-with-an-e" tells us about St. Gianna Molla:

"One of my favorite saints is St. Gianna Molla because she was pro-life and gave her own life for her unborn child. Gianna needed surgery for a tumor. The surgery would have hurt her baby, so she decided not to have it. The child was born perfectly healthy, but Gianna died a week later.

If in the future I am faced with the same decision, I would do the same thing. I am very glad that I have a model of that kind of bravery and love

Thank you, "Anne-with-an-e" for your reflection on St. Gianna Molla. I am also impressed with you! It's wonderful to know that St. Gianna Molla made such an impression on you and that you feel that you would choose to be as brave and loving as she was when she sacrificed herself to preserve her baby's life. God bless you!

Guess what girls? You both win a copy of my new Saints book!

"Anne-with-an-e" and "Betsy's" mother, Karen Edmisten had a sneak peak of my Saints book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book and offered me the following review:

"I can never have too many books about the saints, and here's one to add to my collection. Praying with the Saints is an engaging compilation of short biographies. Original prayers and lovely illustrations accompany the profiles of thirty-two saints, along with quotes from the saints and information on their patronage. With its pocket size, Praying with the Saints is the perfect "take along" inspirational reading."

Thank you very much, Karen. I'm sure you must be very proud of your girls!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saint Anthony of Padua!

Our next winner in the Favorite Saint contest is Lisa Hendey from CatholicMom.Com and Catholic Mom Moments Podcast! Her refection is below:

"One of my favorite saints is St. Anthony of Padua. While growing up, our family frequently invoked St. Anthony to aid in the finding of lost items. With five children, I'm sure my mother frequently relied on St. Anthony's intercession to help her stay sane with all of the messes we made. It seems like something was always lost.

As I grew up and moved away from my family and into my own independent life, I felt as though something in my own life was missing. I had a happy marriage and beautiful children, but I missed out on the sense of having a "faith family" as we had known when I was growing up. In my childhood, church life and our parish were always at the center of our family life. It was not unusual for us to remain after Mass for up to an hour on Sunday, chatting with friends in the parking lot.

As a young mother, I found myself struggling to find my way and raise my children in the church on my own. My "faith family" felt permanently lost and I was desperate to find it. I attended Mass alone or with the boys on Sunday, since my dear husband was not Catholic. I prayed to many saints, but especially to St. Anthony, to Our Lady and to St. Therese to help me in my mission of raising my children in the faith and in setting a loving, faith-filled example for my children. I prayed for a faith community to know, to love, and to be a part of the way I had when I was a child.

Now, many years later, St. Anthony has responded to my prayer. This Easter vigil, my husband will celebrate the fifth anniversary of his reception into the Church through RCIA. My boys are music ministers and altar servers and my beloved plays his guitar every week at our 9:30 family Mass. Each Sunday, I find myself surrounded in love by my faith family as we celebrate the Eucharist at my parish home: St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Fresno, California. St. Anthony found my missing "faith family" and brought me home to worship with them in his home here in Fresno!

Wow, well how do you like that? What an awesome story! Lisa is a member of St. Anthony of Padua Parish! Thank you, Lisa. I think it's so wonderful that not only did you FIND your "faith family" with St. Anthony's help, you also are surrounded with another faith family through your wonderful and generous work that you do for the Church. Your Catholic Mom website draws so many people closer to God and undoubtedly helps to deepen their faith too. Thanks for all that you do, Lisa. It's nice to hear about your favorite Saint!

Lisa has won a copy of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book. St. Anthony is in my book. Lisa also had a sneak peak of the page proofs of the book and has given me this review of it:

"In the introduction to her latest work, Catholic Saints Prayer Book, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle offers readers a concise yet inspiring bit of motivation for cultivating relationships with the saints.

'Ultimately, we should see the saints as models of sanctity for us to imitate as well as tremendous intercessors, helping us when we invoke them. We should indeed seek out the saints who will surely help lead us to God, assisting us all along the way.'

Catholic Saints Prayer Book arms readers with the tools necessary to come to know these holy men and women in order to emulate the lives they led. Additionally, Cooper O’Boyle’s lovingly formed words offer readers prompting prayers to build intercessory relationships with people who struggled just as we do along life’s path toward a relationship with a loving heavenly Father. Donna Marie’s book is just the right blend of biography and heart – readers will find themselves edified about the lives of the thirty two saints covered and inspired to turn to these holy ones for intercessory aid and consolation.

From spiritual “favorites” such as St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Joseph to lesser known or newer saints such as St. Marguerite Bourgeoys or St. Padre Pio, each chapter offers the details of lives well lived, stirring quotations, and patronage and feast day information. Cooper O’Boyle’s personally crafted prayers set this apart from other books on the Saints lives I have read in the past – Donna-Marie’s clear faith and beautiful soul shine through in each prayer and will encourage you to strive for sainthood along your own journey to heaven.

Thank you again, Lisa for your beautiful words. Thank you and God bless you for all of your generous work for the Church and for families.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trust in St. Joseph!

Carrie just expressed her trust in St. Joseph and in his novena. She told me how he has helped her family in an extraordinary way.

She said, "I also trust that the novena will move mountains. Turning to St. Joseph has always brought amazing results for me. After being told that I couldn't conceive post-chemo, then getting pregnant and losing every baby at three months, my husband's heart was broken. I sent him to a local parish to sit beside a statue of St. Joseph, helping him to focus his prayers with those of the patron saint of fathers. Within days, I found out I was pregnant. Matteo Joseph was due on March 19 (but arrived early, he'll be five tomorrow). My daughter, Francesca Maria, was born two years later on March 19. Not a soul on this planet can tell me that St. Joseph did not intercede on my behalf.

Joseph was truly holy. After all, he's the only person who ever lived with two people who never sinned! If something went wrong at home... well, you knew whose fault it was. :-) No wonder Joseph is never quoted in the bible. I, too, would probably keep my mouth shut under those circumstances. I've shared this story in the simple hope that you will find peace in these prayers

Thank you so much, Carrie for allowing me to quote you here at "Moments of Inspiration With Your Favorite Saints." Hearing stories about how the Saints have helped us pilgrims on the journey toward Heaven is inspirational. It's amazing enough to hear about the dates that your children were born and were due to be born! As I've said before, I'm kind of partial to St. Joseph!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Another Favorite Saint!

Our next winner in our Favorite Saints contest is Sarah from Just Another Day of catholic Pondering! (the photo is my son, Joseph with Mother Teresa)

Sarah's reflection follows:

"My devotion to Mother Teresa began as so many things in my Catholic life did, as a tiny little spark I can hardly find when I look back to find it. Ten years ago, when she died, I remember feeling a feeling of, well, nothing really. I felt more strongly about Princess Diana's death (I never had a Mother Teresa paper doll, after all), and that's not to say I felt all that strongly. Mother Teresa was, in my mind, a good person. And she died. End of story.

And then, somehow, after becoming Catholic and getting roped in – I mean, hearing the call – to teaching third grade CCD, I came across Mother Teresa. It was the weirdest thing. (And that is the other way so many things in my Catholic life begin, with that phrase "it was the weirdest thing.") We were studying saints in an ongoing project that accompanied the lessons in the book, and there she was, as one of the extra things we could cover. We happened to talk about her on her feast day. We happened to have a homily a few weeks later, when our class was in charge of helping with Mass, with Mother Teresa as a main player. We happened to watch a video with the teens a few weeks after that that was about, yeah, Mother Teresa and her life. In the intervening weeks between each of these little happenings, I stumbled across a book by her and devoured it and felt the spark glowing red-hot, starting to ignite the dry brush all around it. Before I knew it (and before I could keep proper track of it), I had a full-fledged devotion to this little lady from Calcutta.

A few months ago, someone stumbled on my blog who happened to have been friends with Mother Teresa. In fact, Mother Teresa (who I just can't call Blessed, or even Saint, because, well, she feels more motherly to me, and that is really saintly in the highest sense inside my mind) wrote the forward to the book this someone happened to send me. It seems my devotion is not a coincidence, though I have no idea why (and I'm OK with that; love is a curving path that leads us to adventurous places we couldn't have found otherwise, and what better kind of love than the love of a saint?).

Thank you so very much, Sarah. As the saying goes, you're a girl after my own heart! You know how much I love Mother Teresa, too. What's not to love about her?

Because Sarah submitted her reflection about her favorite "Saint," she has won a signed copy of mt new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book which is due to be released very soon!

When you see the book Sarah, you will notice a little quote by dear Mother Teresa in the beginning. Also, I'll take this opportunity to mention that my Mother Teresa book which may be titled, Unlikely Saints which is part biography and part memoir and recounts my relationship with Mother Teresa will be published in the near future.

Talking about Catholic Stuff with Chris Cash today!

You can hear my interview with Chris Cash today at Catholic Spotlight. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and pull your chair up to the computer. Chris and I talk about my visit to the Vatican, Mulieris Dignitatem, and Pope John Paul II, as well as my books and my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book coming out in about a week! When you're ready click here!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dear Saint Joseph!

With St. Joseph's feast day fast approaching, I thought I'd say a little bit about him today here at "Moments of Inspiration With Your Favorite Saints." St. Joseph's feast day will be celebrated on March 15th this year rather than his usual day of March 19th since March 19th falls during Holy Week.

I can't thank St. Joseph enough for his great care for my family. Many years ago, my spiritual director and dear friend, Fr. Bill introduced me to St. Joseph. I was having some trouble with neighbors who were very unruly. I was a single mother at the time and lived in a two family house. The upstairs neighbors were usually drunk and even dropped bowling balls on their floor (my ceiling) to disturb me - seriously! Almost every week end, the guy who lived upstairs with his girlfriend would come home very late and very drunk and would start pounding on my walls and yell out the most obscene and terrible threatening things I have ever heard. I had to call the police each time and really feared for my safety and for my children. The police came out each time and the guy never got into much trouble until one time when they caught him in action. Then, of course, I had to be concerned that he was going to retaliate because I had called the police on him each time.

My dear Fr. Bill encouraged me to call upon St. Joseph and explained to me that since he was the head of the Holy Family, he would help my family too. I began a thirty day novena that day. On the thirtieth day, I heard the sound of a big truck outside. I looked out the window and could not believe my eyes! It was a moving truck and the people were moving out! What an answer to prayer! I knew that St. Joseph had intervened and helped us.

St. Joseph continued to help us on more occasions than I can possibly tell you. I have "introduced" him to many people because I know that he is so powerful and a loving father. I know that he has helped in so many ways. St. Teresa of Avila has said that he has never failed to help her.

You can be sure that I will be telling you more about St. Joseph at this blog, but I wanted to at least jump in here now and share this story with you. Because I love St. Joseph so much, I have passed out probably thousands of prayer cards of St. Joseph and thirty day novena prayers to him. I once owned and operated a Catholic book and religious articles store years ago. I named it, "St Joseph's Corner!" I also named one of my sons, Joseph after dear St. Joseph.

This is the prayer that I prayed:
30 Day Novena to Saint Joseph

In honor of the years he spent with Jesus and Mary

[For Any Special Intention]

Ever blessed and glorious Joseph, kind and loving father, and helpful friend of all in sorrow! You are the good father and protector of orphans, the defender of the defenseless, the patron of those in need and sorrow. Look kindly on my request. My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness. To you, loving guardian of the Family of Nazareth, do I go for help and protection.

Listen, then, I beg you, with fatherly concern, to my earnest prayers, and obtain for me the favors I ask.

I ask it by the infinite mercy of the eternal Son of God, which moved Him to take our nature and to be born into this world of sorrow.

I ask it by the weariness and suffering you endured when you found no shelter at the inn of Bethlehem for the holy Virgin, nor a place where the Son of God could be born. Then, being everywhere refused, you had to allow the Queen of Heaven to give birth to the world's Redeemer in a cave.

I ask it by the loveliness and power that sacred, Name
Jesus, which you conferred on the adorable Infant.

I ask it by that painful torture you felt at the prophecy of Simeon, which declared the Child Jesus and His Holy Mother future victims of our sins and of their great love for us.

I ask it through your sorrow and pain of soul when the angel declared to you that the life of the Child Jesus was sought by His enemies. From their evil plan you had to flee with Him and His Blessed Mother into Egypt. I ask it by all the suffering, weariness, and labors of that long and dangerous journey.

I ask it by all your care to protect the Sacred Child and His Immaculate Mother during your second journey, when you were ordered to return to your own country. I ask it by your peaceful life in Nazareth where you met so many joys and sorrows.

I ask it by your great distress, when the adorable Child was lost to you and His Mother for three days. I ask it by your joy at finding Him in the Temple, and by the comfort you found at Nazareth, while living in the company of the Child Jesus. I ask it by the wonderful submission He showed in His obedience to you.

I ask it by the perfect love and conformity you showed in accepting the Divine order to depart from this life, and from the company of Jesus and Mary. I ask it by the joy which filled your soul, when the Redeemer of the world, triumphant over death and Hell, entered into the possession of His kingdom and led you into it with special honors.

I ask it through Mary's glorious Assumption, and through that endless happiness you share with her in the presence of God.

O good father! I beg you, by all your sufferings, sorrows, and joys, to hear me and obtain for me what I ask. [Here name your petitions or think of them.]

Obtain for all those who have asked my prayers everything that is useful to them in the plan of God. Finally, my dear patron and father, be with me and all who are dear to me in our last moments, that we may eternally sing the praises of


"A blameless life, St. Joseph, may we lead,
by your patronage from danger freed."

This prayer may be said during any 30 days of the year.

You may also say an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be each day for nine days or thirty days as the novena prayer. I happen to like the prayer above since it is in honor of the thirty years he spent with Jesus and Mary. I also say other novena prayers to Saint Joseph. I'm sure he doesn't mind what prayers you choose - just as long as you invoke his intercession. :) Now is a perfect time to pray a novena to him because of his feast day coming up.

Sarah at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering recently shared a story about Saint Joseph in her life. She said, "I never paid much attention to St. Joseph, aside from acknowledging him as the head of the Holy Family in a rather passing way. I never thought much about him, aside from his patronage of my lovely little parish. I really never asked for his intercession or pondered his special role in salvation history. It sounds silly to me now, but it just never occurred to me..." (Continued here.)

By the way, you can be sure that dear Saint Joseph is included in my new Saints book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Favorite Saint winner!

Our next winner in the "Favorite Saint" contest is Jen. Her reflection is here:

"While I have many favorite intercessors in heaven the Saint who I have the deepest friendship with is Saint Therese the Little Flower. You could say that she "picked" me because it wasn't until about three years ago that I was introduced to her.

One day I was looking for a book to read and came upon her "Story of a Soul" in my bookcase. I had had the book for quite some time and to this day have no idea why it was THAT book that I choose at that time (except that maybe St. Therese choose that day for me to get to know her!)

I devoured her autobiography in a short time and fell in love with her spirituality. So simple and yet so profound. So full of the love of God and His love for us, His children. Ever since reading it I have decided that I too want to take up St. Therese's "Little Way". While I have many, many books on her teachings and spirituality I haven't read them all...I've found that the best way for me to learn her teaching is through prayer.

At the time while I was reading her autobiography I was also trying to discern my vocation. Ever since that day I have entrusted to her the special protection of the vocation God has chosen for me.

I have prayed many novena's asking St. Therese for one intention or another....many times simply for a particular grace. And it never fails that in some form or another at some point during the novena I receive one of her "roses from heaven."

The relationship I have with St. Therese isn't one that I looked for....and yet she is a part of my life and I can't imagine my life without her intercession and prayers. She always seems to make her presence known in my life even if I haven't been looking for her. It is a peaceful, welcoming presence and I thank God for having her take a special interest in me!"
--Jen Stefano from Daughter of the King blog.

You may order The Story of a Soul here.
For St. Therese medal, click here.

Thank you very much for sharing your personal story with us, Jen! It will, I'm sure, inspire others to call upon St. Therese too!

Jen has won a signed copy of my new Saints book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book in which I have included dear St. Therese.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Favorite Saints Friday!

This is the first winner in our Favorite Saints' Friday edition. This submitter will receive a signed copy of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book as soon a s they are released in a couple of weeks! Here is her story:

"I am particularly fond of St. Roch. I wear his medal around my neck. According to the story of his life, he was nursed back to health by a dog. My husband and I have had dogs since 1984. We have one left who is almost 14 and is close to leaving us. When we moved from Louisiana in 1996, my friends (knowing how much I love dogs) gave me a gold St. Roch medal reading "We Will Always be Together" on the back. I have kept in touch with these friends and see them every year when I go home. This medal comforts me because it makes me feel close to my friends and my dogs."--Mary Catherine in Kansas

Thank you very much, Mary Catherine. Your reflection may help inspire others to also turn to St. Roch.

Watch each day for new submissions. I will be posting the winners who are the first to send in their personal Saint story or reflection about their favorite Saint. After the series of winning stories are posted here, I will then take all of the future submissions and put them into a monthly drawing to win a signed copy of my book!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's time to place your votes for your favorite Catholic blogs!

Now that I have my nifty little Catholic Blog Awards image, I will bring to your attention once again that it is time to vote for your favorite Catholic blogs and there are many categories and blogs to choose from. I am not here asking you for your votes - seriously. Well, actually I am asking for votes - for somebody - anybody - whomever you want to vote for. Just vote!

I will repeat my information from the other day.

I was pleasantly very surprised to find out that two of my blogs were nominated in three categories.

If you dear reader, feel inclined to vote, go over and take a look! You will need to register (if you aren't already) which takes all of 60 seconds or so. Then the fun begins as you scroll through the categories and recognize some awesome Catholic blogs.

My Embracing Motherhood blog was nominated in two categories. 1) "Most Spiritual Catholic Blog" and 2) "Best New Catholic Blog." My Daily Donna-Marie: A Dose of Inspiration was nominated for "Best Individual Catholic Blog."

Thank you again for the nominations and to those who may feel inclined to vote for my blogs. :) But truly, it doesn't matter if I win anything. I am just happy to have been nominated. :)

God bless!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beautiful Saint stories

Well, the beautiful Saint stories are coming in and they are heartfelt and inspirational! I will be posting them soon. I decided that I will post the five winners when the time is right, and then the following submissions that come in will be placed in a drawing for another contest. I will pick a winner each month from the submissions of personal Saint stories. So, you see there are many opportunities to win a copy of my book - you just have to be willing to share your favorite Saint with us! Don't be shy. :) Send me a paragraph or more about your favorite saint - what makes him or her special to you? Send it to: DMCooperOBoyle(at)aol(dot)com. What are you waiting for? Christmas? Sorry, I couldn't resist, that's something my mother would say.

The "Quiet" Carnival at Sarah's place

Go on over for a QUIET Catholic carnival over at Sarah's Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering.

Time to vote - Catholic Blog Awards!

Goodness gracious! I am pleasantly surprised to find out today that two of my blogs have been nominated in three categories for the Catholic Blog Awards! Thank you whomever nominated me. :) I happened to go over to Sarah's place at "Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering" earlier today to check on the Catholic Carnival and I found her post about the Catholic Blog Awards. I am new to all of this blogging, (I started last year) however, I've seen all of the hubbub about the awards last year.

I thought that I would get around to nominate some amazing Catholic blogs this year but I didn't realize that it was that time because I have been so busy lately. I just returned from Rome - the International Congress at the Vatican, I am recovering from a car accident, AND my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book is being released in a couple of weeks! There have been so many media interviews to do and articles to write...Needless to say, there just are not enough hours in the day and I missed the nominating part. I'll be sure to do that next year, God willing. :) For this year, I will indeed be voting. It will be tough since there are incredible Catholic blogs out there.

If you dear reader, feel inclined to vote, go over and take a look! You will need to register (if you aren't already) which takes all of 60 seconds or so. Then the fun begins as you scroll through the categories and recognize some awesome Catholic blogs.

My Embracing Motherhood blog was nominated in two categories. 1) "Most Spiritual Catholic Blog" and 2) "Best New Catholic Blog." My Daily Donna-Marie: A Dose of Inspiration was nominated for "Best Individual Catholic Blog."

Thank you again for the nominations and to those who may feel inclined to vote for my blogs. :) But truly, it doesn't matter if I win anything. I am just happy to have been nominated. :)

God bless!


Monday, March 3, 2008

Review from Karen Edmisten

"I can never have too many books about the saints, and here's one to add to my collection. Praying with the Saints is an engaging compilation of short biographies. Original prayers and lovely illustrations accompany the profiles of thirty-two saints, along with quotes from the saints and information on their patronage. With its pocket size, Praying with the Saints is the perfect "take along" inspirational reading."-- Karen Edmisten

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

I've decided to give five signed copies of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book away to the first five people who send me something about their favorite Saint to be featured here at "Moments of Inspiration With Your Favorite Saints." There are details in the post below. You'd better hurry because I have already received one!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Favorite Saints Friday

Do you have a favorite Saint? One that you'd like to tell us about? Do you have a Saint story? I will be featuring reader's favorite Saints on Fridays here at "Moments of Inspiration With Your Favorite Saints."

Please consider sharing something about your favorite saints with us. Simply write up a paragraph or a few recounting an experience or explaining your reasons for feeling drawn to your particular Saint and send it to me at DMCooperOBoyle(at)aol(dot)com. Then check back on Fridays to see what Saint is featured!

As an added incentive, the first person to submit something about their favorite Saint will receive a signed copy of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book!

Don't forget to call on our great intercessors in Heaven for help with your daily struggles. They are only too happy to help!

God bless you!


Saturday, March 1, 2008

A "Pit Stop" in Assisi

Dreaming of Assisi...

On the way to Assisi by train.

Finally there!

Remember I told you earlier that when my daughters and I arrived in Assisi we were a little lost? After the two hour train ride, we found out about a bus that would take us up to St. Clare and St. Francis. It was really too cold and windy that day to walk a few miles, plus my daughter, Mary-Catherine and I were in pain from our car accident injuries.

Well, we missed our stop off the bus after trying to ask some of the passengers where to get off. So we got off at the next stop. Oops, wrong place to get off. We walked for a bit and were freezing and a bit frustrated because we had no idea where we were. We found a little Church that I decided looked interesting enough to take a photo of. I also stopped outside it (it was locked) and said a little prayer.

We came upon a little coffee shop and decided to go in and get out of the cold to figure out where we were going -keep in mind that everyone spoke Italian there - except us!

Here's a photo documenting the much needed respite - cappuccino, cheese puffs (very nutritious!), and warmth before we hit the streets again to hoof it to St. Clare. Note the Italian tour book on the table too. :)

Stay tuned for more photos of Assisi, news about our trip and St. Francis of Assisi coming up!